Friday, August 29, 2014

What I've Learned in 32yrs .

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24(MSG)23-24 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!

Yesterday I celebrated my  32nd  birthday I  had a  great  day.  My mom and I   spent some time together and she treated me to lunch. So that's why  there  was  no  post yesterday. I took advantage of the day to  just "be". The older I get  the more I find that  I  spend  a  lot  more time  thinking about  my life and  where I want to be.  The  night before my birthday  I made  sure I   poured  my heart out to  God because  moving forward I don't  remain the  same , I want to grow and live out my   purpose to the fullest. 

So with  that  said   here are  a few  things   I that  I've learned  in my  in my 32 years:

  1. You cannot look to  someone/something to make you whole.
Only  God can make you  whole; You will always come up empty handed if your  measure of happiness is  based on the people in your life or the things you acquire.  God is the only   one that   can  fill the voids in your life. Seeking  God  first will  make  room for the desires of your heart.

    2. Don't be afraid of making mistakes

Be more  concerned with  your  life becoming stagnant vs. being  afraid of  stepping out of your comfort zone.  That  little  bubble you've created will only  be  "safe"  for  so  long so It's better  to try  new  things and  fail than to look back years from now wondering what  you could  have accomplished . Growth comes from trial and error  standing in one  spot all your  life will leave you full of regret. 

    3. Dream BIG!

Taking  a leap of  faith is  scary I know  in my case I  am the type of person that doesn't like surprises I want to  know what the next step is  before I move ahead.  But  faith doesn't work that way you must  trust God and that know that if you  come to  God  sincerely  He   has heard your  request  and prepared the  path ahead of you.  In  His timing the desire of your heart   will be met and those dreams  will come to fruition . 

Philippians 4:6The Message (MSG)6-7 Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

Thank you for reading  and know that I love you !  I'd love to connect with you can find me  on just about every social media  outlet under the name  @lesliallynblogs or by email


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Picture via Flickr D68  Design +Art  and Edited by Lesli Allyn

Matthew 7:3 (MSG) 1-5 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.

POW!  The Message Bible  sure has a  way of  breaking things  down doesn't it? Ha!
This post  is  inspired by  social media and  the infamous  "Comment Section" .   In this age  of  social  media folks  love to climb on their  little soap boxes and voice  their own  brand of  doctrine  all over your timeline. It's crazy! They don't have  any qualifications,  a  certificate  and they  barely  crack open a bible.   Oh  but  give them  iPhone  and  a poorly  thought out   opinion and they're   locked a loaded with the gospel  according  to themselves.

Here's  a  general   life  rule:  Every thought/opinion  that pops into your head isn't worth sharing. You wouldn't put your  mouth  on a  used  plunger right? Well why would  you put your mouth (read: words/opinions)  on  someone else life, family or  circumstances? There is  a  BIG  difference between constructive  criticism  and   just  being shady.  Adopting  this sort  of   self righteous  attitude is often   a coping mechanism  to   distract  from  your  own short coming or insecurities. 

 Think about these things before you  click post on your next comment:

  1. You DO NOT have to agree with everything someone post .
  2. It's NOT your job to  police anyone's social feed.
  3. Your  OPINION doesn't give you the right  to be rude.

Listen, no one  walking this  earth is  perfect  and  words do hurt.  There is power in your words you can  speak life or   push someone over the edge.  You never know what  someone is going through on their  side of the  screen so choose your words wisely. Lastly, remember that  you don't have everything  figured out in your  own life and their is  always room for growth so with that  said   cut  your sermon  short and  volunteer for the  " Have a Seat Ministry"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gods Process vs. My Expectations.

Photo Taken and  Edited By Lesli Allyn. 

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Many  of us   have  a  vision  for  our lives and where  we  would like to be  at certain parts of our lives.  In my   case  31 looks nothing like what I'd envisioned;  I  wanted to me married with  a  couple of  children by thirty.   I'll be  32 on  Thursday so  I'm sure you  may  have noticed   things haven't gone as planned.  For awhile I felt  like  a failure because   didn't  meet  my own  expectations and to be perfectly honest I still struggle with  "my expectations".  So  what do you do when you feel like you've  prayed , believed and   still you feel like your  stuck in a rut  just  spinning your wheels and going  nowhere?

Trust  Gods process,  He  knows exactly where we are  and   he has   heard  our   prayers.   We  must remember that  God  doesn't follow  our schedules , timelines or   our Pinterest  vision boards.   His plans are  going to  unfold in His  timing  and  they  will  be far more  amazing  than we  could every imagine. We must  realize that  a season of  waiting  is  vital to  build character  and  strengthen your  faith.   You  don't want to  rush into  next phase of  your life  unprepared and under developed:  You want to be  whole and   reliant only  on God  not  on  someone  or  a particular  platform to feel like you've succeeded. 

Remember, God is  present,  he  hears you  and  what  He has  for you  is for you  and no  one  can  take away  His  purpose for your life.  So   sit  tight  in this  season  of  waiting   I believe God is going to blow our minds!


Monday, August 25, 2014


Picture taken and Edited by  Lesli Allyn

Even strong lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing. -Pslams 34:10 (CEB)

Life throws a lot of  curve balls and  it can be hard to sort things out in your mind. What's my  next step, am I making the right  decisions?   It's easy  to find yourself in a vicious  cycle of  self doubt  wondering if what you thought  you heard God  speak to you  was  really  him.   Many times as I  write these post  I wonder if what I am doing is pleasing God and if I'm on the  right  course.  I don't want to  ever  give off the impression that  I have everything together  because I definitely  do NOT.  The truth is every piece of  wisdom  that I have comes  from God and I am  just  a vessel. 

So what do I do when I'm overwhelmed? 

  1. I remind myself that I don't have it  altogether  right now.
  2. Over thinking  the situation  will not  help,  it will increase my stress.
  3. God never intended for me to carry  my  burdens  alone.

When we  try to fight  our own battles  we end up exhausted  and  empty. This is  why it's so import  to develop  a habit  setting  aside some quiet time with God.  We need this  time  to  listen ,pour out our hearts  and to allow  God renew us each day.  I believe that if we  take  a step  back and allow God to set the  pace in our lives that He  will   lift  every burden off our shoulder and  guide us to  each step that we need to take.  Remember that God doesn't need our help  or  job is to trust,  listen,  obey and  receive.  That's it!

So whatever you're wrestling with today let it  go!  God has you in the  palm of His  hands and there is no better  place to be

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Unintentional Series pt.2: Faith + Works

James 2:17Amplified Bible (AMP)17 So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).

Whenever I've  attempted to   start  a blog in the past  I  would have all these ideas of the type of  content that I wanted to create. I wanted to  do the whole  beauty  blogger thing. I love  talking about my natural hair and  new and interesting  products on the market.  T But the thing is,  I could never commit to writing about those things,  inevitably I'd  begin to write  devotional style post, even in my diary  99% of the time I'd  write things out of  what God was pouring into me.

Recently I was  talking about the blog with my  mom and  the  direction it was going in, I explained that  every blog or journal that   I  would   create always  turns into  "this".  My  mom replied : "Well  Lesli, this is  your calling". She  confirmed what I  had been thinking and this was  mind blowing and  freeing because I've  been  given  a glimpse into my purpose and  even just  a  glimpse fuels me  to keep going. If I only help one person  with this project  it would mean the world to me.   I believe there is  more  that I must  do  but right now my action step   is   trusting  that  God wouldn't lead me to  this season without equipping   and  He  wants  to  to see it come to  fruition as much as I do.

Faith without works in dead! I must do my part  accompanied  with faith , trust that  God will keep up his  part of  the bargain and  move forward. When doubt  creeps it's  way into my  thoughts and  plants his little ugly little lies  into my head I must remember that  God put this calling within me and He  wants to  see me succeed in it.  It's comforting to know that HE is with me. So I'll  keep pressing forward until His  will is made good in me.  I will give God all the glory because  without him nothing is possible but WITH him   the  possibilities  are endless!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Unintentional Series 1: Everything Happens for a Reason. #whatnow

In  light of this  unintentional   life reflection  series I thought I'd  continue my thoughts  until... well until I run out of words. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8(ERV)There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time.

With  all my heart I believe that  everything happens when  and how it's suppose  to happen. I find myself in this particular  season  of  unemployment (again). Yes  that's right I've  this isn't a new thing  I was in a similar situation  before but  my reaction to being laid off then was the polar opposite of how I felt when I was laid off  in July.    At that time I worked for a  company that created  gift  baskets etc. When I lost  my position  there I was  crushed, there had been A  LOT of   devastating  things going on in my life that I hadn't  even begun to  heal from and  to  lose my job on top of that was  just the  last  straw.  I'll talk about that  part of my life in another  post it's  kind of a  difficult  thing  to explain so bare with me I'll share that story with you soon.

Being  laid off   this time  around I actually felt  relieved I talked  in detail about this in my post   What am I Going to Do with My Life?    .  The  funny thing is   that  I remember  some time last year  while working  at my previous  job I felt this  nudge to  walk away  and  I thought to myself  how  could  I possibly  do that ?  This is  NOT  the holy  spirit..couldn't be,  I cannot  just quit!  The whole  thought  scared me so I ignored  the  thought  every time it  came  across my mind.    Fast forward to July 2, 2014 ( not quite sure of the date) and BOOM no job!   Honestly if I hadn't  been  laid off this past   July  I would have never  left and I would've  remained in my "safe"  little   miserable  bubble of  complacency.  Through out  this year I actually prayed for change and the opportunity  to  work  and make a living  within my purpose.  I just didn't know  that   "the change"  would  be  so sudden! lol   The truth is  God knows me  well and He knew that I wouldn't  move until He moved  the things I was holding onto out of the way.  This situation is forcing me to rely on God  fully. 

My prayer is that I use this time  wisely and that  I can  rest in the fact that  God has set the path ahead of me.  I  tend to be  a  "worrier"  and I  hate it !  I fight with  self doubt  every single  day and I second  guess every  decision.  I don't want to  continue with this mind set so  I am placing  all of these thoughts at the feet of  God and taking this  new  season one  step at a time.  Pray for me  folks! lol

Up NEXT  I will talk about what I'd like to do in a  written  vision  board  of my dreams moving forward.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dear Lesli: Life is Happening DON'T FREAK OUT!

picture via Jason Van Dyk  Flicker

James 1:12(CEB)

12 Those who stand firm during testing are blessed. They are tried and true. They will receive the life God has promised to those who love him as their reward.

Yesterday  all of my  worries  unfolded and  exploded all over  yesterdays  post. (lol)  I fought with the thoughts of :  Am I doing the right thing, Should I even be  doing this?  There  is  nothing like a  upcoming birthday  to  get you caught up in your  feelings  and  second guessing EVERY decision   you've every made in life. In my heart I know that I  must  remember  to  base my life  on  what God says  not   "feelings" .  Emotions are  fleeting  and can  have your mind  spinning in a  whirlwind. 

This morning I resolved to  declutter  my mind and the   space around me . I    cleaned by room  lite a candle and began to  sort through my thoughts.  I found this lingering  question floating around my  head.  "Where is your  FAITH?"         Monday I  gave  all  of my  fears , insecurities anxiety a  platform  and placed  all of my  focus on those them but  what happen to my  faith? In my heart I know God hasn't forgotten about me and to effectivly  get through this season in my life I must   focus on  Christ.  It's  time  that I shift  my thinking  instead of  giving  my  fears a  spotlight  I will  meditate on the promises of  God.  So  below  are a few that I'd like to share that you may reference  back on  in your quiet times and we'll  get through  these hurdles in life  with the assurance of  the  Christ Jesus who intercedes on our  behalf.

“The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” —Deuteronomy 31:8

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” —Isaiah 41:10  

25 “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothes?26 “Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or gather the harvest into barns. Yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?27 “Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying? Matthew 6:25

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 4:6-7

I hope that  this helps in fact I know that  it will,  you just  have to enter into his  promises with an  open heart. We were not meant to   carry all of burdens  on our  own and  to be quite  honest I don't want to . I know with  whats going on in our world  and what we have to  deal with in our  personal lives    it's hard to find  balance.  More than ever we  need to rely on God and give Him each  and every worry, fear and  anxiety.  Ask that  God would  fill you with  the  joy only He can  give and  don't give in  to  fleeting  emotions.  God has us in the palm of His  hands.

Connect with me online!  I'm @lesliallynblogs  everywhere also  feel free to  email me at  


Monday, August 18, 2014

32 years Old in 9 Days?!?! ....I'm not ready!

The following is me unedited  and  thinking out loud you've been

Today did  NOT go as planned at all!   This morning the plan was to get up  clean up a bit and  film a  video. I spent the better part of the day attempting to set  up.  I filmed a few clips but just could not  get into the groove of things.  I found that  I  was  becoming frustrated  meanwhile  forcing  myself to put on this fake smile on camera  and then my  camera  battery died!  lol  So   I just had to take a  step back , breathe and  regroup.  * deeps  breaths

Guys, in  9 days I'll be turning 32 years old and  I'm not ready!  Now I know  logically that I'm being a  bit  dramatic and whether   I'm  ready or  not  on Thursday I'll be  32 years old.  What makes this  birthday so different  from   the others is  where I am currently.  I am at this crossroad in my life where I need to  REALLY  figure out  what I want and where I am going.   To be  completely  honest  and transparent  I am embarrassed that I don't  KNOW yet; Shouldn't I know  by now?

The truth is  as  isolated as I feel right now I know that there a  a lot  of  30 somethings that  find themselves feeling similarly  and   are contemplating  their  next move.   So  what do we do guys?  Not having  a plan  is  scary  but  remaining the  same is  far  more  painful. I  seem to have more insight when it comes to  helping others at times  but when it  comes to me I am  clueless.  

What I do know is that  God  has me in this  particular  space in my life for a reason , there is  something I  am supposed to do and   learn in this time  and I just pray that I am open and  receptive  enough to move forward.  I don't  want  to  spend  my   the rest of my life standing in the same  spot expecting  and expecting things to change.  I apologize  for  this  weird post my mind is  all over the place  and  I just needed to vent. Hopefully things will be back to  bushiness as  usual  tomorrow. Talk to  you guys  soon!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our Youth: You Life Matters.

Leviticus 19:15 (NCV)

15 “‘Be fair in your judging. You must not show special favor to poor people or great people, but be fair when you judge your neighbor.

It has been a  difficult week to say the least. The  story of  Micheal Brown has exploded all over social media and  in the press.  It's heartbreaking to see  the practice of unnecessary force  being used in the  Ferguson  community as well and violence that is taking place each day there.  It's very  disheartening to  witness how  some  abuse the  platform they've been given. We live in a  society where the  guilty are being  protected for their evil and the  innocent are fighting for their  right to exist.

Over the years I've daydreamed about having a son of my own and  how  I'd teach him about God and  nurture his dreams.   But today I am legitimately concerned about even having children; I don't want to  worry about them becoming another  walking target.  In light of all that is taking  place how do we  explain this to our  sons?  Why do we have to explain to our  young black youth  that due  to  the  hate  garnered in the  hearts  of  those abuse their platform  you  will have to be careful in  simply walking down the street? The  inherent  right  to feel free and protected is something that is  slowly being erased.

In spite of all that has happened  we must teach our  son about God and what He says about them. We  must let our sons know that they have value and that their  lives matter, that they are  loved! We cannot  always  protect them from bad things but we can equip them with the tools to  push through by letting them know that   God will never leave or forsake them and in times of  trouble  we must  rely on him only.

Dear  God,
I pray that your hand  would be on our son and the youth in the upcoming  generation. Help those who  find themselves trying to process what's taking place in this world and bring them peace in knowing that you prepare the path ahead of them and that you will cover them.  We pray that  you would bring peace and justice to the community of  Ferguson,Missouri and that the  violence  will stop.  These things we pray in Jesus's name. -Amen

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What Can I Possibly Offer to Anyone?

Matthew 3:14-15 (CEB)14 John tried to stop him and said, “I need to be baptized by you, yet you come to me?”15 Jesus answered, “Allow me to be baptized now. This is necessary to fulfill all righteousness.”So John agreed to baptize Jesus.

When there is a calling on your life it  often times  appears too  big  or  you may  feel unqualified. In my  case my task is to be   "support" somewhat of a   counselor.  I've  tired  to  escape this  title over the past few years by isolating myself, pushing people and  away or just literally disappearing.  I felt like I had nothing to offer because I was dealing with my own  depression  coupled with  anxiety attacks and personal insecurities.  What could I possibly have  to   offer with  everything that I am already  carrying?  Who am I to  console or give  advice to anyone? I'm tired!

The position of  support is  a heavy task and lifting others  up over time  can  leave you  with sore arms and and a   drained spirit .  I just wanted to stop I didn't want to hear anymore bad news or deal with anyone  else's  issues.  So I successfully  pushed everyone away and I currently  I have no  friends. I have to admit that as a text book  introvert this  isn't completely   awful for me BUT  I do recognize the  need to connect with others and  how  good  friends  can  enrich your life.  It's important to  know who is enriches your  life and who  constantly  subtracts. But that's a  whole   blog post in and of itself!

Currently I am trying to   take full advantage of  this  "unemployed to self employed"  season.  I'm not  confident that I want to  be self employed honestly but I know that I want to be  in control of my time and my efforts. I come to realize that  every time I start a    new  journal,  blog or whatever it  always  turns into this.  A  devotional/ Free Therapy " things"  but I  never  intend for it to  be.  I have no qualifications other than life experience and  the portion of wisdom God has gifted me with.  So  with what I have  and  this  free time I am going to  follow the leading of the holy spirit and  allow God to   move me, change my mind  and  my perspective on what I have to  offer.  This is what I am supposed to be  doing.  I am  a  counselor   , I am a  cheerleader  that is my mission and I can  no longer  run from it. I am it and it is me; I don't know where this will take me  or  if I'll always  use this platform or if it will evolve into   something  else down the line   like a  book or something . What I do know is that in order to  grow and  move forward   I must   allow myself to be open enough to be God led and  not  Lesli led .   I must  fully trust  God and know that He  has me in this space at this time for a reason.

Pray for me and I'll  pray for you ..


Monday, August 11, 2014

Micheal Brown: A Prayer for Justice.

In light of  this  past weekends events in St.Louis  where  18 year old   Micheal Brown  (unarmed)  was killed by a   local  police officer- I  would like  to take a moment to lift  Micheal's  parents, their family and the  Ferguson community up in prayer.

Dear  Lord,

I submit this  prayer  along with many around the world  who's heart break for  the  brown family.  The  pain of losing  a child is  unimaginable so  Lord  I pray that the peace that only you  can  bring will comfort , only  you can  bring light into this dark situation.  I lift up  Micheal's  parent in prayer and ask that you would   mend their broken hearts, place your arms  around them  and help them to  stand firm as  they  seek justice  for  their son.  Lord I pray that you   would orchestrate  positive change for within  the   Ferguson community; Please  grace  them with the  wisdom to cry out to you for change  and  peacefully  seek   justice   through you  and  not take things into  their own hands. We need an outpouring of your spirit and your  love to  restore the peace, safety and justice to the Ferguson  community.  I pray that your  hands would be  in every effort to bring positive  change.    In Jesus's name  -Amen


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's Talk : Why you Should FORGIVE.

Forgiveness is  a  sore spot for   a lot  of people including myself. I've wasted   years of my  life   walking around with this cloud of  unforgiveness floating above my head with no resolution.  But  I've  learned  over the years that  when  you hold on to  grudges you lock yourself into a  prison along with your pain. You may also find that you lock others out of your life who could potentially  add value to your life. .  So today I'll share with you what changed my perspective.

What Changed My  Heart? : Three things.

  • The pain that I was  clutching onto served no purpose other than to  keep me stuck in time  storing the   offense in my heart.
  • The other party was either unaware of the offense or simply didn't care.
  • I realized  keeping  a rolodex of the event punishes me  more than  one that  caused the hurt.
Now what  actually solidified my need to  change my heart  was this  verse:

Matthew 6:14The Message (MSG)14-15 “In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.

Intense  right? We all want God to  forgive us right? I don't know about you but I've have not lived a pristine life  and there are things I need to be forgiven for. So how can  I receive forgiveness  if  I  don't do my  part  in letting go of  resentment? By holding on to  a grudge we  are  essentially cutting ourselves out of forgiveness . "if you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part".  Ever read the Lord's Prayer? I've said it, you may have said it;  Remember this  part?  "Forgive us our debts as  we  forgive our debtors".   What that statement means is, God  forgive me only  to the extent that I forgive  others.

How does Forgiveness Work? :

Forgiving someone doesn't dilute the  pain that was  caused or  excuse  the one who hurt you; Forgiveness pin points the issue and actively  peruses peace with the issue instead of holding on to  it.  There is such freedom in letting go and allowing God to heal that area of your life. 

Here's  a  quote from  blog entitled Forgiveness vs. Restoration by  Rick Warren  that  helped me put things into perspective.

Let me explain what forgiveness is not. Forgiveness does not mean the instant restoration of trust. Forgiveness is instant. Trust must be rebuilt over time. Forgiveness is based on grace. Trust is built on works. You earn trust. You don’t earn forgiveness

Lastly  for those who are  still  dealing with  painful events in your life I want to encourage you to live  a free and full life. Throw  down your  burdens at the feet of the master and ask that God  fill those  gaps in your life and  and restore your broken  heart so that you may  really  LIVE  to the full without dragging  any chains from the  past. In Jesus's name -Amen

God bless you!

Love, Lesli.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Waiting Until Marriage: 31 Year old virgin...on PURPOSE!

Yes, you read the  title correctly  I'm  31 yrs old  and  a virgin...on PURPOSE!  Here's why..


At a  pretty young age  I'd  say about 8-10 yrs old I can  vividly remember having a conversation in the car with my mom one day after church about  desire to "wait until marriage".  I went into detail  on  why  it  meant so much  to me and why I felt it was so important. Growing up   attending   Children's Church   we were taught to a degree about saving yourself for marriage  but  it  wasn't  something that was really explained in  detail .  My mom  never sat me down and  explained why I should wait  or talked to  be about  sex in general for that matter unless I had  a question and  from there she would explain it in a way that I could  understand.

 My decision to not have premarital sex was based on a  promise that I made to God. 

Thinking back on this  decision that I made so young  was huge, why  did  I make such a difficult  promise, where did I get all this  wisdom and  conviction  so early on from?  I always jokingly say that I've  been  31 years old for  31 years.  lol  I've  been  blessed to  have had  a  fairly good head on my  shoulders and  perhaps  bit  more wisdom from the beginning  and this is  all due honestly to  being surrounded by  my  mother  and  grandmother 90% of the time and studying them constantly.  As I said before there was never a definitive conversation  about premarital  sex but I learned  so much  from watching  my elders.

Remaining  a virgin   hasn't been a  easy  path to take and I would be lying if I said I had never  toyed with the idea  of  sex outside of marriage.... But I'll get more into  that in part two of  31 Year Old Virgin so stay tuned!

I'd love to connect with you on social media  you can find me  on  Instagram and Facebook @lesliallynblogs or  email me  at

Up next...

Why and  how I've kept my  promise and  promise and  the difficulties that I've faced along the way.