Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dealing with Difficult People

17 You won’t even have to fight. Just take your positions and watch the Lord rescue you from your enemy. Don’t be afraid. Just do as you’re told. And as you march out tomorrow, the Lord will be there with you. 2 Chronicles 20:17(CEV)

All pictures belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated

Have you  ever   encountered  someone who  is  just plain difficult  to be around, nothing you do  seems to be  right and they seem to find  fault in  everything you do?   Of course, we all have had to deal with someone like this at some point.  It can prove to be very difficult in these instances to keep your  cool .

 In my  personal  experience  of  dealing with  a   difficult  person  there  have been times when I just wanted to snap and  treat them  the way they were treating me and then some!  The truth is it might have  made me  feel better  in the moment  but in the  long run what  would I have  really gained   by  mirroring their sour  attitude? Nothing. 

What I had to  realize is that   their  perception of me  had nothing to do  with  me.  It was pointless to allow them to  offend me  especially when  their opinion of me was based off of  an assumption. I've learned when  people can't seem to figure you out they begin to formulate opinions and scenarios that  simply don't exist instead of  just taking the time to get to know you. 

So  I had to shift my focus from taking  their  words personally to  trusting God  to fight my battles for me.  2 Chronicles 20:17a  says   "You won't even have to  fight. Just take your positions and watch the Lord rescue you from your enemy".   What I had to realize is that  it  wasn't  my job  to  win them  over or  convince them  of anything.  It is  more important to   continue to be true to who I am and who God says  I am.  

I'm sure  you've heard the  the saying misery loves company.  Well it's  true,  people  who  are unhappy with themselves tend to  seek  other people to  take their  insecurity out on. If you find yourself dealing with  this   kind of person right now I want to encourage you  to pray for  them   and     ask  God to  grant you discernment in this situation  and  follow His lead.   Don't  get caught up in your emotions instead position yourself to  trust God  he  will  meet you at the point of your need. 


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