Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Surviving Hate

 19 Don’t try to get revenge for yourselves, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. It is written, Revenge belongs to me; I will pay it back, says the Lord.[a]  Romans 12:19 (CEB)

All  pictures belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs  unless otherwise stated.

What do you do when you  are  faced with  unfair or  unjust  circumstances?  Let's  be honest  our  first response may  be  to  go off  and  repay hate with hate. Although  doing it may feel  good  in that moment, the  truth is that  repaying hate with hate  poisons you  and  hardens your heart. Think about it this way; While we we're getting  caught up in our emotions  we  may be missing  out  on what God is trying to do through us in that moment.

Here's what  I mean by this...

It  is a  hard  concept to grasp   especially when you're  on the  receiving end of  a awful situation.  The thing is,  every battle that  we face  isn't our  battle  to fight, sometimes  we are  meant to  be a  light  in a  dark  situation.  This  may  for example  look like  being  silent in a  moment  when you  want  to  shout  or standing  firm in what God is  leading you to do even when it isn't the popular thing to do.  

Someone is  always observing  us  in one  way  or another and the grace that  you show in  a  unfavorable   situation  may  be the  only  glimpse  of  Christ that  they've  ever  witnessed for themselves. Things  will not  always  turn out  the way you may  hope that they would,  so  in those instances where you've  done  all that you  know to  do I want to  encourage you to  lean on  God and  pray,  pray , and pray some more.  From there  be patient and trust  that God will give you instructions  for  your next  steps.

 I  also  want  to mention in light of  the  what is  going on  not  only in  Ferguson but  across  america in  general,  I   realize that the  African  American  community  is  being  faced with so many unjust acts  and it seems like the  clock is being  reversed in  so many ways. In this time   It  is important for us  to  rely  on God  more than  ever and  band together  to  seek  social  change.  We are  all  angry and  feeling pressed under  the  weight of  disappoint but  I want to encourage you with the promise of  God, in  Romans 12;19  the  Lord says that  that  revenge is  his and that He  will defend us!  Stay strong   God  has things  under control.


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