Friday, November 7, 2014

Why Wise Counsel is Important #FridayQuickFix

Plans fail with no counsel, but with many counselors they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22 CEB)

All pictures are taken and  edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

One of  the  biggest  killers of  personal  growth  is thinking we have it all together and taking on life's  issues  alone. We all need people in our lives that we can confide in, that we can share ideas with and receive   Christ centered  advice from.   A  genuine  friend  and a  solid  support system is  a valuable  and vital piece to  moving  towards our  purpose.

God never intended for us to figure everything out on our own  that's why He  has given  us  the   holy spirit  to  aid us in discerning  who to trust and develop   bonds with.  We need people in our lives that  will  pray for us,  pray over us and tell us when we are wrong and  help us figure out a plan to get on the right track.   

Wisdom is  recognizing that  we  all have  gifting in different  areas and  by sharing what  God has poured into  each of  us.  We all can benefit and  grow stronger and be  more effective in our day to day lives because of  the relationships we've nurtured. Today ask  God to  place the right people in your path  and to create a  support system  that pushes closer to Christ and your purpose. 

I wanted to try something new  and begin to  post  short but  sweet  post on Fridays  .  I'm not sure if I'll be  doing this every Friday or  once or twice  a month  but be on the   look out for the hashtag #FridayQuickFix  and tell me what you think.  I  would  love your feedback and look forward to connecting with you. 

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