Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Change Is Good

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Romans 12:2 (TLB)

All pictures belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

As believers  we  are called to stand out,  but  standing out  isn't always  easy.  Sometimes it feels like  it  would be  easier to  just blend in and not  bring attention to yourself.  But ultimately  as you become  more mature in your faith the light of  Christ  within you will  begin  to  shine and  people cannot help but see the change  in you.  This change is important not  only for   your  growth  but also for  the people you may be  able  influence or  inspire to  see Gods  ability to renew and to restore us  no matter  where you are in your life.  So  don't  dim your light in order   make others  comfortable  but  continue to  reflect the work that God has done in you.


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