Monday, March 2, 2015

No More Quick Fixes

 Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you but because the pain turned you to God. 2 Corinthians 7:9 (TLB)

All pictures belong to  and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Today in church our pastor  spoke about  recycling our  pain and  how  God uses our pain to  reveal to us our total dependence for  Him.  His message today got me thinking; Why is it   we spend so much time  trying  to figure out how to "fix" ourselves  instead of  relying on God and using  His word  as our life manual? We end up exhausting ourselves, we  ultimately are left with   more  questions than  answers when we  try to sort thing out on our own.  The truth is that we  cannot  be our own savior and  quick fixes only put  a  bandage on our  issues but when we  rely on Christ  He  takes on our  burdens  and  He  equips us  with everything that we need to  get to the  core of our  issues. He heals us from the inside out.  Today  give  the Lord  every  area of your life and trust  His process don't  be  satisfied  with just  getting  by. allow  God to get you through it!


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