Monday, March 9, 2015

Getting Through Life's Road Blocks

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3 (ERV)

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated. 

There are times where we  cannot  prepare ourselves for the unexpected.  Life happens and  one single moment  can  change everything.  I know about this moment  all too well  I've lost my closet  loved ones  back to back,  I've lost  my  job without warning  and experienced the pain of  rejection.  But I can  tell you  from my  personal experience that in these instance you must  make a  choice. You must choose  whether to  allow yourself to  be consumed by these road blocks or to  trust that  God will grant you the  strength to break through them. 

Believe me, I realize that when  difficult  life events happen  your vision my be  so dark that you can barely  put one foot in front  of the  other let  alone begin to find  hope. But  in spite of  what things look like  I want to  encourage you to relentlessly fight to focus of Christ because  He is  your healer,  your confidant and He cares. Jesus is ultimately the  one who can  turn your pain of your tragedy into the testimony of your deliverance.  You will get through this, nothing that you're going through has taken God by surprise and God has everything under control.  So turn your focus away from your circumstance   and refocus  toward Christ and His sovereignty

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