Monday, September 29, 2014

Discontentment: Do you Have The Case of "I'll be Happy When?"....

Hebrews 13:5 (ERV)Keep your lives free from the love of money. And be satisfied with what you have. God has said,“I will never leave you; I will never run away from you.” (A)

All  pictures taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

So many of us  have a  case of  the  " I'll be happy when"

I'll be happy when  I'm  married, I'll be happy when I  get  a new  house or when I get the perfect job.  The  truth is that you can acquire all of those things and still feel empty in search of  the "next thing". If I'm being honest  I've   wasted  a lot of time  waiting for the perfect  circumstance and what  I've learned is  that  there is no perfect  circumstance especially  when   I'm blinded by  discontentment .

If I am empty and in  search of  something or someone    to  fill my voids I'll  most likely remain the same  empty  person when I have  those things.  The  only thing that  people or things  fill up in your time;  Only  God  can  fill you, pour  into  you all the you need and all that  you didn't know you needed.  Remember,  you cannot  fill a  God  sized  void with anything other the  God himself.

Discontentment is   tactic of  the devil to  discourage you  from living in the grace you have right now.  If we are   always looking  ahead we will surely   miss out on the now  and  what  God is doing right now in this very moment. Living in  discontentment   is  essentially  minimizing  God and  his work in us.

 I don't know about you but I want to  present I don't miss a moment  of  what  the Lord is doing right now within me.  If anything I  want more of  God , I want Him to fill me with  His wisdom and love so that when  I find love,  become  established in my  career or own my dream home I will already be whole and  my  happiness will be  based on Christ who lives in me not and not the things I've acquired. 

Let's talk about it: @ Reply me  on Twitter to discuss @lesliallynblogs

  •  Do you have  case of the   "I'll be happy whens"  what is your happiness contingent on? 

  • How will you seek God to be present in the now?


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