Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Toxic Relationships: Knowing When to Walk Away

1 Corinthians 15:33 (GNT)  Do not be fooled. “Bad companions ruin good character.”
All pictures taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs Unless otherwise stated

In  your lifetime  so  many  people  will  come in and out of your life  each   for a different  purpose; Every relationship  will teach you   something about yourself and that is  important.    You'll find in some instances you connect  quickly,   sometimes  it'll be  more   gradual  and then   in some cases there will be  people you'll  just clash  with  altogether.

What's important is what we take away from each relationship.  The lesson in  each instance is deciphering  who  add's to your life , pushes  you to be  a better person and  closer to  Christ vs. those who  constantly  subtract and  drain you.  Not  everyone is  meant to   go in the same  direction as  you  some relationships are toxic and  distract you from your purpose. So going into each relationship weather it's  a  friend  or a significant other  keep your eye's open don't gloss over issues don't hold on to someone based on familiarity.   When that season  is  over   leave it there and move forward.

Now I'm not saying you should  cut every  person off who you have a disagreement with.   What  I'm saying is that you  should    pray  for  discretion in  each relationship.   You need to  know what your purpose is  in the relationship as well.  Is there  advice or  wisdom that they can gain   from knowing you that will help them later down the road? As  believers  you may be the only  window into  Christ that they've  ever  experienced  so  cutting  someone  off  isn't always the answer.  In these instances   listen to the leading of the holy spirit pray and ask for  direction.

Let's talk about it:

Have you every  been in a  toxic relationship; How did you  know when it was time to let that relationship go?

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