Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Change of Plans

People plan their path,but the Lord secures their steps. Proverbs 16:9 (CEB)

All  pictures are taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Our  plans and  Gods plans   at times  differ. We  may have a  plan for our lives  where we  should be by  a particular  age, where we should work or live; But  life  takes a turn and  sometimes the plans we  have  don't  match  where  God has  us currently.  Where you are in your life right now is a important part of your story and  in this season of your life there are things that you need to learn about  yourself and through  spending time with God you will learn  how to better navigate through life moving forward. So don't miss this opportunity  to absorb all that God  is  preparing your for.  Remember, a delay in your  dreams   doesn't always means that the answer is   no but think of the delay as a  chance  to  become  more  mature and fully  prepared to  maintain your dreams. 


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