Monday, January 19, 2015

Are You Too Busy?

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

All pictures are taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Some of us  have  way too much going on. We are  so   busy  being busy that  life  is exhausting us.  The  problem with having so much on our  plates  at one time is that  eventually what we are filling our  schedule with begins to weigh us down. We  begin to  do things out of  obligation as opposed to  having a passion for the project we've started.   Putting   so much pressure on ourselves to reach perfection can lead us to fall out of love with what  use to be  our passion.  

So you'll  have to ask yourself what's the point of  working yourself into oblivion  for something  that  is  draining  your peace? It's  important to take time to  unplug and   do a serious  self-inventory  of   where  our heart and mind  is. Today   let's take some time to  answer the  following question honestly.  Am  I   filling my   life with projects or things in order to mask my  pain? If the answer is yes then  I encourage you to go before the Lord and spend some  quality  time with Him  today.  

When your  mind is so  cluttered odds are   that you haven't  spent  enough time pouring  your   heart  out  to God . We  all need  time  with God   each day so that  He  can renew you through His word and His presence not just  when things slow  down or are convenient.  Today be intentional  about  giving God your  time and He will be  faithful in carrying you through anything that  life throws your way. 


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