Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lost and Found

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9(KJV)

All picture taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Have you ever  felt  that with the stresses of life and responsibilities on  your shoulders that  you have lost yourself? Trying to be everything to everyone is  truly a   exhausting burden to carry. You will  begin to lose the heart for the  good things you are doing and feel more drained than fulfilled.  So how do  we restore the  heart to  serve  others without  losing ourselves in the process? First set  realistic  expectations.  We all have  limitations. If we spread ourselves  too thin, even  with the best of intentions  our efforts in one way or another  will  suffer;We must know when to say no.

Second, in order to  be  effective in  service  we  must take the time  to allow  God to  replenish us.  A car  cannot  run on a  empty  tank  and you cannot run on  just  good  intentions.  You need  Gods power  to fuel you to serve and  to supercharge  your drive to remain  excited  about your purpose. So everyday you need to  read  Gods  word, sit  before Him in  prayer and  just  allow  God to  fill you with what you need to serve and renew your heart  so that you are able to  remain passionate  about  where He has placed you to serve in the body of Christ. 


Let's keep in touch!  You can  find Lesli Allyn Blogs on Facebook and Instagram  under the same name!

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