Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Living Water

Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:37-38 (NASB)

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs  unless otherwise stated.

 We are  all seeking something to believe in or  cling to whether  we  are aware of it or not.  We  all  want to feel  a part of something. Sometimes In our quest to "belong"    we  reach out to  a  certain circle of  friends or  a relationship.   There is  nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with  people that  love and   support you  but there is so  much more to gain by  clinging to Christ .  

The Lord makes a  promise to us in  John  7:37-38. Jesus  says  If anyone  is thirsty, let them come to   Me  and drink.  This  means  that He  will never  leave  us  empty and He will always  pour  into those  who  seek him with  all their  heart. The question is  will you   believe  for   Christ  to  fill you  with   living water?  There  is nothing that  will  refresh a  broken heart or   a  broken  spirit  like  the Lord.

Jesus' resources  will never  run dry,  we  can  always   come to  Him and  be  renewed  from the inside out.  No one  has  heart  a for  us  like Lord , or  has the  depth  of  love that pours  out  to us on a daily  basis like Him.   The  Lord  desires to  see  you reach your  full potential  and that  can only   happen with time spent Him.  There  is  no  better  friend than the one  we have in Christ  Jesus.  He  is never too busy, we have constant   access to His  presence and when we  focus on Him  it  is guaranteed  that we  will never  be the same.

Today  I  encourage you  to  sit  before   God  and  allow the hands that  crafted you to  fill you up again.  Study His  word ,  absorb what you've learned  and apply  it  to your  life.  There is  no better  life  manual than  the bible.  There are  tons  of self  help  books  but the   problem with relying on yourself is that eventually your  resources will  be  depleted . The  good  news is that  the  Lords resources   will never  run dry.  So   today  make the  Lord your  first  choice and  be intentional  about  seeking  Him to fill your needs.


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