Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Count Your Blessings

11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. Philippians 4:11 (NLT)

All pictures are  taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

If you where to  sit  and think  honestly, would  you find that you spend more time complaining rather than  counting your  blessings? We  have  all  had  instances in our live where we couldn't  take  our eye's off of   ourselves and  what we are lacking. The  danger in  complaining is that   we  begin to lose  sight of  what God is  doing right now in this moment and we  fall into  the trap of  discontentment. The thing is,  we may   never have everything  fall into place the way we would like or have all the things we desire, but keep in mind that the very thing you are  complaining about someone somewhere would love to have  a portion of what you have.

Today I challenge you   to  purposefully  count all the blessings  in your life  as well as how God has blessed you over the years. Nothing is too small  to list. Keep  this list where you see it often and  throughout the day  add more things as you think of them .You can keep this  list on your phone , office  or  posted around the house. What this will do is  build  a heart of gratitude and  worship. We  will begin to  look back at our list and pin point  where His  love  towards us kept us from being discourage  by our circumstance and how He   graciously  reached His hand down to us and gave us the ability  to  keep  going. Let this act of worship shift your thinking and  heal your heart.


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