Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Changing Seasons

 I will pour out water for the thirsty land and make streams flow on dry land. I will pour out my Spirit into your children and my blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3 (NCV)

All  photos are taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs Unless otherwise stated.

At some  point in our lives we have  all experienced  a   dry season  where  we  feel like we  are in  a  cycle of  disappointment  and things   don't come together the way we would like them  to.  It can be hard to  imagine that  all the   hard things we have had to  deal with  has  a  purpose.  But in spite of  how  you feel in  this  moment  or what it looks like, every  obstacle that you've  faced  is a  vital   piece of  the puzzle  for where you are going.

Sometimes   God   allow  certain  things to unfold in our lives to get our attention , move  us to a point where we reevaluate  our  motives and   begin  to put our  hope back in  Him. What  we must  realize is that  God  never   promised that  our walk with Him would  be easy and that  once we  became  saved things would  just  automatically  flow into place.   What He  did  promise  is  to never  leave us nor  forsake us. So when  we really  begin to trust His   plan for our lives  we  will succeed. He will make a way in spite of  what  things  look like.

So when you find yourself  at a  crossroad don't begin to   despise  the path you're on   but  seek  God  relentlessly  and   pray your  way through  every obstacle.   God  is bigger than  anything that we will ever   face.  He  wants to  see us    succeed  but we  must be willing to  give  up our will in exchange  for His  because it is  the only way to  true  victory. When we  really  lean on the  Lord  He  will  pour into us in ways we  couldn't begin to  imagine.

O God, my God! How I search for you! How I thirst for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. How I long to find you! Psalm 63:1(TLB)

The test we  face are not  meant to  break you  down but  they are meant to build you up.   Change your  outlook  on   the  seasons of your  life as a  opportunity    to  pass the  test and  get that much closer to  your purpose. Don't  give up now. There  is so much more  ahead of you.  Ask that  God would replenish you as you become weary and  guide you along the   way and  He will  meet you at the point of your faith.


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