Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Be a Accountability Partner.

 He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. Proverbs 28:13 (NASB)

All pictures are taken and  edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Having someone in your  life that  you can  be open and honest with  and  who will also  keep you accountable is important.  We all need someone that  we  talk to about what's  going on in our lives and it  plays  a key role in our recovery from  the sin that weighs us down. Today I want to share three ways  to be   a  accountability partner.

1.Listen  First, then  respond:

An immediate  response  isn't always  required.  Often times having  someone  that  is willing to just listen is  really helpful.  From there  really think about  all that you've heard. There is nothing worse than receiving  empty  advice from someone who  hasn't  really  taken the time to think about  what they were saying.  Instead  pray with them and  when the  Lord  gives you words of encouragement then  share it  with them. 

2.Create A  Judgement Free Zone:

When  you are   sharing  your issues with  sin or  a painful    circumstance  you  feel  really vulnerable.The last thing you need is  someone to  make you feel  worse.  So  keep in mind that there is a difference between  condemnation which does more damage than  good.  Being there to hold someone accountable means you don't  excuse or  gloss over  the sin but  you partner with your friend or loved one   to be  free from the  sin  and move  forward.

3.  Trust:

Trust is  a  very  important  foundation to build upon when  being an accountability  partner. The  information  that  someone  is  sharing with is   not  to be taken lightly or broadcast to everyone you know.  Remember  you are  being  trusted  with   sensitive  information and sharing information like can break  the bonds of your relationship.  Now in cases  where  the information you've heard includes  issues where they are  harming themselves , or  harming   then it's  a good idea to get some help with the situation.

In the  body of  Christ it  is important to form these relationships in order to  grow. The  benefits of  having or  being  someone's  accountability partner  are  incredible. You are able to pray together, and  you will  have the support system  that you need in your walk with Christ . 


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