Tuesday, January 27, 2015

There is No One Like Him

“Who is like you among the gods, O Lord?Who is like you? You are glorious because of your holiness and awe-inspiring because of your splendor.You perform miracles. Exodus 15:11 (GW)

All pictures are taken by  and belong to Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

I believe it's safe to say that each one of can look back and think of times where God  has bailed us out. In fact, I know for sure that I can think of  several instances where the Lord has stepped in and
rescued me from bouts of depression  or   messy situations that I've  gotten myself into. What I love about the  Lord is that no matter  how far we've  fallen, no matter what  state  we find ourselves in, God without  hesitation  reaches out His hand  to pull us through anything we are  facing. He doesn't condemn or reject us  He simply loves us back to life.

There is no one like the Lord and no one that will love you  as much  as He does.  He  can take our  broken  pieces down to  the  smallest  detail, no matter  how in spite of how damaged we think we  are the  Lord can turn our situation completely around and use our lives to glory .  Remember in spite of what things look like  or how you feel  you matter to God. He created you and  He  knows that there is still purpose in your life and that  you are  a  valuable  piece  to  His plan. Today take  a few moments to  think about  how God has  come  through in your life and   praise Him for His provision.


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