Monday, February 23, 2015

Different Path With The Same Destination

 If you hurt others because of something you eat, then you are no longer acting from love. Do not let the food that you eat ruin the person for whom Christ died! 16 Do not let what you regard as good get a bad name. Romans 14:15-18 (GNT)

All pictures belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.
As  believers  we each have a  our own individual  road to  finding Christ and knowing Him for ourselves.  No two stories are  exactly the same  but the end goal remains the same which is to  continue to  grow and mature  in  our  faith one day at a time. What we  must keep in mind is that because  each of our  stories are different we must be careful of how we  judge other believers and their  relationship with Christ. One of the  major  issues in the  body of Christ is  rejecting  others who's  walk with the Lord doesn't mirror our own.  Remember,  God  created each of us  uniquely and He  knows exactly how to communicate with us and how to draw us  closer to Him.  So  we must be careful not to discourage or  reject  each other but  instead we  should lift each other up. Now, If you find that you have some  concerns with the direction that  a friend or loved one is going in, before you bring it up to them  first  bring all your  concerns  to God.  If  He leads you to  say something then  move forward  as He leads you but make sure it's  done in love and with  compassion.


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