Monday, February 9, 2015

Living With No Regrets

 He’s the one who comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort other people who are in every kind of trouble. We offer the same comfort that we ourselves received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:4 (CEB)

All pictures are taken and  edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Living with  no regrets  is a concept that  can   be  hard to grasp at first.   Obviously we  have thing in our lives that we  may  have  done or  experienced that we  wish we hadn't.  But,  every instance where we  have been met with some sort  of adversity is  an  opportunity  to treat it as a  learning experience.  What I mean  by this  is that  if we  really take a  deeper look at our circumstances and ask God what  we need to learn from it we will be able to  use what we've learned  not only aide  us in the future but  also for someone who may be going through something similar. From there we have to opportunity to step in and give  advice from the perceptive of  our own experience.

So shift your  thoughts about  the things that you've been through and  use  those experiences to  fuel you towards  using  the wisdom  you've gained  to push  you closer to your purpose. Don't  despise the process but  trust  God  and His  ability to pull you through anything that you'll face. Every part of your  process is worth it and  you'll be  more  equipped and whole because of the knowledge that you've  gained. 


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