Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pray.Trust.Let Go!

 Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.Philippians 4:6 (GW)

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Sometimes we  have the  tendency to  pray about our circumstances  and  put our  focus on the  issue   instead of   praying and putting our focusing on God.  Trust me I get it,  you may have been believing and praying for  something for  a long  time  and nothing has happened yet. What  I have learned from my personal experience is that I must trust  Gods timing over my own.  Believe me  I know how hard it  is to let go but what  I've realized over the years is  that  it's even more  burdensome to continue to carry  around  the  anxiety  attached to my  problems.  

God  never  intended  us to  weighed  down by the circumstances of  life. He ask that we  come to Him with our  request and  trust Him.  So don't be  discouraged by the  process, there are things along the way that you need to learn in order to arrive at your  breakthrough fully equipped.  So in the meantime Take this time  to  ask  God what  it is that  you need to  learn  while your going through this  transition period and ask that He  fill your life  with His  purpose for your life so  that your  focus won't  be on your own timetable. 


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