Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Giving Up Isn't An Option

 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! Romans 8:37(GNT)

All pictures  belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Sometimes  when  plans fall through  we  lose  confidence in ourselves and our abilities, especially  when you've put  a lot of time and efforts in to a project that  is unsuccessful.  You're first thought may be to give up  completely  give up on your dream but I want to encourage you to  keep going. You'll find in so many stories of successful  business owners that they have tried to launch  several projects that have not worked out  for one  reason of another  but in spite of those plans falling through giving up was not  a option.  God has given each of us  purpose in the earth and remember that  the  road to success is  a process that  may take some time.  So  keep going, if  God has given you this  dream then He will see it  through to it's completion.

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