Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Why Letting Go of Anger Is Important.

If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day.  Don't give the Devil a chance. Ephesians 4:26-27 (GNT)

All  pictures belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Anger is a emotion that  can quickly  cloud our  judgement and  cause us to say or do things without  a lot  thought.  Often  we waste so much time  trying to defend our  pride that we  neglect to take a  step back and sort through  our  thoughts.  Emotions are fleeting so it is  vital that we don't allow how we feel in that  moment to  build  to the point  where we allow it to ruin relationships and keep us  isolated. The intensity of  how you feel in that moment  often times  is bound to  change at some point.

 Don't waste another day carrying  around  bitterness and  pain. Instead  take all that is  in your heart and mind to God and  allow Him to shift your heart and grant you clear thinking.  One of the  enemies  missions is to sever our families  and  relationships with others through causing  division over meaningless confrontations. Don't give the enemy a foot hole into your mind and your relationships. We  all need each other and our  connection to one another  is important. So  today if you are holding on to anger resolve it, be determined to fight for your relationships. 

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