Tuesday, February 10, 2015

No Ordinary Love

Consider the kind of extravagant love the Father has lavished on us—He calls us children of God! It’s true; we are His beloved children.1 John 3:1 (VOICE)

All photos are  taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

With Valentines  day quickly approaching  as a  single  you may feel  a  bit sour about the whole day. But  what we must  understand that  being single isn't a  disease.  It's  a important season of your life we must look at it from a  different  perspective. Think of it this way, with this time  we are  able to  to really  cultivate our  relationship with Christ and absorb wisdom from Him.  Time spent with  Christ will fill your  heart in  a way that cannot be compared to  anything else.  His love is  extravagant, it  fills every void.

 So instead of feeling  like you're missing out  trust that  God is aware of where you are and what you need in the season you are in.   So  when the time does  come to connect with a  significant other  you'll really  be ready  because  of the time you have  spent with God and allowing Him to fill your  life.    When time comes you wont just   jump head first into a relationship out of  urgency but  you'll move  forward with clear thinking because  God has already  filled the gaps in your life.  You'll truly be able to connect on the basis of love and because you  compliment each other.


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