Monday, February 2, 2015

Surviving Depression

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17(NIV)

All pictures are taken by and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Depression  and other  mental health issues is a subject that  too  often goes unaddressed.  It's can be  an  uncomfortable   subject to talk about especially if you're personally  battling any form of depression.   Just admitting that  there is something that  sets you  apart in that  way.  So many  are walking  around with their   guard up in an effort to  protect themselves  from  the judgement of others.  Carrying this  burden on your own is not only  exhausting because you  have to fake happiness but  it  also  keeps  you isolated in  your pain.

But there is HOPE!

Today,  if there is one thing that I  really want you  to walk away with is  that   there  is  HOPE! Speaking from experience I know what it's like to  go through bouts  of  depression  for weeks and not being able to see the light at the  end of my pain.  But in the midst of  all of my  pain God reached down and  gave  light to  the path of  my recovery. What you  need to know is that  what  you are  going through is  valid and most importantly  what you are going through  matters  to God. You matter  to  God!  He understand and He want to  pull you through your circumstances.

 So  today I want to briefly share with you  a few steps that  helped me   survive  depression.

  • Time with God: This is your first and most important on the road to recovery
  • Create  Pinterest board with  bible verses that  uplift you and read them as often! (Click on the word pinterest for my personal  helpful collection of  verses and  quotes.)
  • Get help! Ask God to  lead you to someone  that you can trust to walk you through this time in your life.

Let's  connect you can  find LesliAllynBlog on most social platforms.


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