Thursday, December 11, 2014

God's Gift to You

16 Because he was full of grace and truth, from him we all received one gift after another. John 1:16(NCV) 

All photos are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Have you   taken the time lately  to  really   think about  the  gifts that Christ  has blessed  you with over the years?  I know  sometimes  we can   get   so  caught up in what  going  wrong   in our lives that  we  forget to acknowledge how  we  are  blessed beyond  measure on a  daily basis.  Unfortunately   sometimes it takes the  absence  of  our  gifts for  the vial  to be  taken off of  our eyes, so that  we   realize how   much God  sustains us each day. 

Think about it  this way,  your  life  is a  gift. Every ability that you have, every resource that you  have access to  is  only possible because of what  the Lord  has  spoken into  existence. Salvation is  a gift.  The fact  that   God was  willing  gave the life of His only son and  that  Jesus  saw  value in us so much so that He was  willing  to   give his life for  us speaks  volumes  about their  love for  us.

The  grace of  God  is  so  amazing.  He still  cover  us  even  when  we  don't  acknowledge  His hand on  our lives.  He  never  gives up on us  because  He loves  us  and wants us to succeed. He has given us purpose and  the  Lord   will  diligently  pursue  us  until   he  see's the  fruit  of  His   works bloom  in our lives.

So  when you are  tempted to complain I  challenge  you to shift your thinking  from  yourself  and place your  focus  on  God.  Begin to list  in your mind the  gifts   that  God has  given you over the years  and think  of  how  He has  impacted  your life through His   grace.  I  guarantee   that    you'll  lose  count.  

Listen,  I  know  that  life happens  and  we  all have trails that we have to face but  just take heart to that  He is  present in your life and He will never   allow   you to arrive  at  a  crossroad  that He isn't  willing  guide you through.  You are  covered  and  you will win  just  keep  going and keep your  eye's on   the Lord.


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