Wednesday, December 31, 2014

He Makes All Things New!

18 “Remember not the former things,nor consider the things of old.Behold, I am doing a new thing;now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19(ESV)

All Pictures are  taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless  otherwise stated.

The  new  year is always  a time where we begin to  reevaluate  ourselves where we are  and where  we would like to  be.  We  come up with our   2015  game plan. We  join a  gym, we  begin to   clean up  our   diets and  we make  all these  plans to make  major moves in the new year. But as  soon as the   enthusiasm  begins to  diminish so does  our  motivation to see those plans through.  The truth is  nothing  will  change for the  better in our lives if  our heart hasn't changed.  

Real  change  can only  take place when we begin to allow  God to renew our  minds.  If we  are  holding on to  the very things that God wants to  free us  from we  become complacent  and  begin to fall back into old  habits. I  don't know about you but  I don't waste another year  going around and around   in the same  circle, with my own plans. I don't want to  get so comfortable in the  wilderness when I know that  God's intention for me is to reach the promise  land.

As  we move  forward into the new year I want to  encourage you  to leave  all the  toxic habits. friends and   relationships   from  2014 where they belong -behind you.  Moving forward    into 2015  resolve in your mind that  God is  doing  new things in your  life and  commit  to  allowing  Him to  change  your heart in the  areas that  are  keeping you  stagnant and  chase after  God  and His  propose  with  all that you have.

An Open Letter For  You:

I'd like to take   a  moment to thank  those who have  taken the time to  read and  share  my blog.  It really  does  means  the world to me. I've  posted   over  90+  blogs and I am excited about what  God is  doing in my life and being  able  to share what I've  learned with you.   I believe that everything  that  has  led  up to this point  in my life was  worth it and I am  honored that  God  is  pouring His wisdom into me.  My  desire is to  serve and move forward into my purpose and I know that  by the grace of  God  things will begin to fall into place.

I believe  that there  is  a  purpose for every  season  of our lives  and  I know that  where I am right now will prepare me  for  great things in the  future.  God  has  been so  faithful and I  cannot begin to thank Him enough but  I will spend my life  trying.  I  don't have everything  figured  out but I am going to trust  God for my  next steps.

This will be  my  last  post of  2014  I'm going to  celebrate and  ring in the New Year  with a grateful  heart and  a lot of  prayer. I hope that you  have a  safe and   happy time wherever you are  and that you will  be  blessed  beyond measure in 2015!  I'm  praying for  you and I love  you. 

 God  Bless!


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