Monday, December 8, 2014

What Is Your First Response?

Psalm 9:10 (NCV) 10 Those who know the Lord trust him,  because he will not leave those who come to him.

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

When you are  going through trying  circumstances what is  you first  response? 
  • Do you isolate yourself  from everyone  and  begin to internalize   how  you could have   done things  differently 
  •  Lash out at others due to being  so overwhelmed and  frustrated
  •   Or  do you    spill out  every thought or  concern to anyone that will sit  long enough to listen?

Your  response  to  difficult  circumstances is  an  indicator of  where your  faith  lies.   Knowing  the Lord  for yourself and trusting his  hand on your life means that  seeking Him first is  the  best  choice to  finding  a resolution and  moving forward.   If  coming before  God with your  concerns is  an afterthought it's  time to shift your perspective. 

I admit that  I  am definitely   one who isolates and  internalizes everything!  It's  hard  for me  to  immediately  express how I am feeling  in the moment . I've  always  admired those  who are  able to  express themselves  well under difficult  circumstances.  It  definitely   takes me a lot  longer to gather my thoughts together.

 I hadn't really thought about the way I dealt with things in life when I began to feel overwhelmed until recently.  I'm learning that sometime you have to take a  step back and ask yourself  if the Lord is willing to  take on   my  burdens and replace it  with  peace of mind , why would I waste so much   time  trying to figure things out on  my  own? He  wants me  to be free!

Having a  circle  of  friends to  confide in is  great and it is a very  important part of your spiritual  growth but don't overlook the  fact that  you need to hear   from the Lord first and  then  go to others for support as  God leads you.  When  you are  under pressure  don't allow it to weigh you down to the  point where you're  alienating  your  friends and loved  ones.  God is  more than capable of handling your  anger  as well as  your  pain so  vent to Him and receive His peace.

This week I encourage you  to  trust  God  and cling to Him when you are  faced with  difficult  situations or  difficult  people.  When you trust the  Lord , He promises never to leave you. He will  relieve   you  of   your  burdens and  grant you clear thinking so that you may move forward.  Surrender it  all to Him today! 


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