Thursday, December 4, 2014

Let God Fill Your Voids

Then Jesus said, “I am the bread that gives life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.John 6:35 NCV

All  pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn  Blogs unless otherwise  stated. 

Over the  years I've  learned   that  the Lord is   the only one that  can  really  renew  me from the inside out.   Everything else that I've  tried to   use  to  fill voids   only  work for so long  and  before  I   knew it   I  realized that  I  haven't  filled the  void  at  all  but I've only  covered it temporarily. 

For  a heart that  is  broken  and  a spirit that is  shaken there  is nothing  like the  loving  touch of   Christ.  Jesus  promised that  those  who  seek Him  will  have  life   and  that He  would  fill every  area in our lives where we  are  experiencing  lack. This is good  news,  it means that we don't have to  carry pain,  we don't  have to be  weighed  down by  the burdens  of  life  because  the   Lord  is   willing  to take on everything that  is weighing us  down.

  I can tell you from   personal experience that  when  you use  your own  methods to  cope with  life's up's  and  down's it  will always  lead  you back to where you  started in the first place.  A broken heart and loneliness will try to  convince you that  a relationship, people and things will make things better; But  I'm  here to tell you that those things are  only temporary  quick fixes.  When  we really   let  go and  trust  God with  our pain  He  will masterfully  mend every piece of your fractured  heart.

Don't waste  another  day or  another  moment  trying to sort things out on your  own,  surrender   it  all to  the  Lord  today.   Declare that every thing that   has kept  you pressed  down  has  to be  submitted  to the  power  of Christ.  With  the  Lord  on  our  side  there is  nothing that  we  cannot    overcome and  with Him we win.   Don't  give up, continue to worship your way through it and  know that  the Lord will  guide  you to the other side of your pain right into victory.


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