Monday, December 15, 2014

The Weight of Your Words

 29 Don’t let any foul words come out of your mouth. Only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say. Ephesians 4:29 (CEB)

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

I believe that so many  relationships  could be saved if we were  more  careful with our  words. Harsh words can harm you far more than physical pain because   the  pain of  unkind  words tend to linger  longer in our hearts and within our thoughts.  Unkind words  leave  emotional  scars.  Most of us  can  think back to  a moment  where someone said  something  very  hurtful to us.  We can remember  how it  made us  feel  and how long it  took to  move  on.

Harsh  words kill potentially   amazing  relationships  everyday.   So I want to  encourage you  not  allow your pride and the need to be  "right"  begin to   alienate  the  people around you.  If  people are unable to communicate with you in fear of  your reaction you will begin to miss out  on   important connections .   Having a  good  circle  of  friends or a companion  is  a  beautiful thing but  in order for these relationships to grow the people in your  life  need to be  able to trust you  with their  thoughts and their  feelings.

We are  all wired  differently, some  hold things in  and then  explode  suddenly  without  warning  and  then others  just say the  first thing that  comes to mind; Neither  are  effective  in a  relationship. To be  effective in any  relationship  you should  always  choose  to give   grace to  others in the same  manner that God freely gives His  grace to you. This means   you should  think   things  through before you speak and  practice  not  reacting based  on  your emotions. 

Remember, every word  counts,   so    manage your emotions  wisely.  If  you have  been carrying around the  pain of  rejection, hurt or  bitterness towards someone  it will eventually manifest itself  through  your  words.  Ask  God to check your heart instead of carrying all those  negative emotions   day in and day out.  We  all need  a heart  check  from time to time  so  take an  honest  inventory  of yourself  and   present  it  to God  so that He can fill in those  gaps.

Lastly  remember this.  "Everything that you think doesn't need to be  expressed."  Take the  time  to  really  listen to  your loved ones, ask God  to   grant you discernment  when it  comes to  your  words and  allow the holy spirit  to guide you in  choosing  what's  appropriate to say and how to be more effective in  communicating with others.


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