Wednesday, December 24, 2014

With God All Things Are Possible

13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13(NKJV)

All photos  belong to and are edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise  stated.

It's amazing how  God  can reach  each one of  us   in  a  completely  unique way that is suited  to our  individual needs.   He isn't  limited  by  where we are in our faith,  our  circumstances  or  any  plans of the enemy.    His   abilities  are limitless  and so  is  His  love.  There is nothing that  we  cannot  do when we are  open and  receptive  to  the Lords direction .

The Lord  loves us so much  and   He  desires to  see us walk  boldly in  His purpose  for our lives. He doesn't  just  leave us to  sort things out on our  ow. He  has given us the bible as our life manual and the  gift of the holy  spirit  to   coach us  through   life and   grant  us  discretion.  It  feels  good to know that we have  so much  support.  While we   begin to trust  the  Lord with  our  journey  He  meets us  every  step of the way making sure that  we   find success.

No matter where  we find ourselves in life  we can be assured that  His power  rest in  us.   We  must    be  willing to  tap into  His  resources. He can use  us  just  as we  are and meet us  at the point of  our faith.   His grace is   sufficient  and If we are  open to   His plan   the possibilities are  endless for us.   All we  have to  do is is  accept  His provision by offering our lives to Him so that  He  begin to  change our hearts  and   mold us.

Don't  be  discouraged by where  you are in  your walk with Christ because   you are in  a place that is  less than perfect. Don't  fall into  the trap of    comparing  your walk with  other  believer. Although we all are    walking   a  path towards our  purpose everyone's  journey is  different.  What is  important  moving forward is  that  we let  go of  our  own abilities and  rest in  Christ's capable  hands.   You may not understand how things  will  come together   but  today  resolve to   trust  Gods  plan.


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