Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Staying Connected

John 15:5(NCV) “I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing.  

All photos  are  taken and edited by  Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

In our day to day  life   we are  faced  with so many  things that  are  competing  for our   attention.  We can be distracted  by   so  many things like     relationships ,   work , or  our social  lives.  It's  easy to become consumed with those things and  as  a  result we begin to neglect  carving out  time to spend with the  Lord.  This is no  coincidence.  The  enemies  mission is to keep  you  distracted.  He  knows when we put off time with   the  Lord  we  miss out  on  valuable  moments where God   pours into us granting us   wisdom  and the discernment that we need to navigate through life.

Staying connected  to  the Lord  and  His  word is the  only thing that  will sustain us  throughout life's up's and downs.   When we partner  with God's will and rely  on  Him as  our  main  source  it  doesn't  leave  much room for the  enemies  plans.   We are  better  equipped  to  stand firm on  our  faith  and we  won't  be  easily   shaken when the unexpected happens.  Spending  time with the   Lord   gives us  endless access to  His  resources.With Him there is nothing that  life  can  throw our way that  we  cannot   power  through because of the  foundation that the Lord has  created in our heart  through  quality   time spent with Him.

Without  God  pointing us in the right  direction  we  have nothing  and we  are  basically  a  walking  target for failure , when we  trust the  Lord  with our  time and  really  tune  in to  His  leading there  is nothing that  God cannot  do  in   us  and through  us.    God  has  a wealth of  knowledge and  wisdom that He  wants  us to  take advantage of  so I  you encourage to  be  deliberate  about   spending time at the  feet  of the  Lord. 

  Find  a time  that   you can  tuck away to  a quiet  place  to  talk to  the  Lord and study.  I know  we   all have  a lot on our plates  especially with the holiday  season and you may be  thinking  that you  don't  know where you'll find the time.   The truth is if you  find that you don't have time  to  spend with the  Lord   you are  simply too busy  and you need to change your priorities.  When you feel that  tugging  at your heart  don't   ignore it,  the  Lord  has  something  far more  important  for you than  anyone  else  has to offer.  Whether  it's first thing in the morning,  on your  lunch  break or  at night before  bed.  Today  make a  plan  to  spend time with Christ.  It will be  the  best  decision  you've  every made.


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