Tuesday, December 2, 2014

You are A Walking Miracle

 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart.I will tell all the miracles you have done. Psalm 9:1 (NCV)

All photos  are  taken  edited  by Lesli Allyn Blogs  unless otherwise stated.

Your life  is  a miracle, you may  not  have  ever  thought of your  life as a  miracle  but it is. Every day that  we wake up,   every breath  that  we    take  even  when  we  take His provision  for granted, the Lord remains the  same  and  never changes  who He is.  It is   a  testament to  his   goodness   and  the depth of his  love for us.  It is  a blessing to be  called his. God  looks at  us  and  see's  our purpose and we  are  valuable in His  eye's.

Think about it  this way,  without  the Lords  hand on our  lives  where would we  be , how  would  we  even  begin to survive the  storms in our lives?  I'm  sure if you took  a  moment  to  look over events in your life   you will   find   that  there where times  where  you were  unsure of how   things would  come together but  God  opened a  door,  set up  the right meetings  and  things worked out.  

We all have  story to tell  and our  story is  worth sharing  with others.    It  vital to the growth of the  body  of Christ to  be transparent  and share  our  testimonies. Your  testimony  can  give hope to someone  who  is  going through something that you've  experienced or  it  could be  the  nudge  that  someone needs to   accept  Christ. 

God  has  been  more than   amazing to me  and I know that   many  can  say the  same thing about  God in their  lives.  If  you haven't  already today, take the  time to   thank  God  for   loving you as  you are  and  for  never  leaving  you  to sort  through your  own issues and   hangup's   alone.   God has  been  so faithful even  as  we  fall short  the  Lord hasn't  lost  sight of  us for one moment.  We  are  all walking miracles.  Share your  story with someone today,  in  person or  over social  media.  It  doesn't matter how you do it just  take  advantage of  the moment  and  share  the  goodness of  God today.


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