Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas: My Prayer

10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:10-11 (NKJV)

All pictures and taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs unless otherwise stated.

Merry  Christmas  all!  I  hope that you all are  having a  fantastic  day with your  friends and loved  ones as  we celebrate the  birth of  our  Lord and savior  Jesus  Christ.What a  privilege it  is to be able to   celebrate    the  life of the  one  who has  overcome the world.(jhn 16:33)  

 I know  from my own experience  that this time can be very hard for those  who have  experienced the loss of  a loved one but I want to extend  hope to you.   As  you  rely on God  to sustain you through this season I assure you  that  He   will  mend  your   broken heart.  

You  will always miss the  loved ones that   have gone to be with the Lord but  through God we  have  access to His  peace.  The Lord  will restore you and free you  from your  heartache  and replace it with  His joy  which cannot  be shaken.  

 Dear  Lord   meet all who  may read this  at the point of their  needs and  guide them into your  purpose for their  lives.  I  pray that  every plan of the enemy will be destroyed  and your  hand would be  on them  guiding and protecting  them every step of the way. I  pray  we all  will experience   the  grace  and   love  of   God in a  brand  new way moving forward into the new year.

As we  spend  time  with our  friends and family help us not  forget the true  reason  for celebration which  is  you  dear Lord.  Gifts,  good  food and family  are  truly a blessings but none of these things compare to the  impact    you've  made  not just in our lives  but on the  world.  We  cannot  begin to list  all that  you have  done but  we are  grateful! We honor you  and praise you  for  who you are  Jesus, not  just  today but  everyday of  our lives. 

God  thank you  for  blessing the world with your  son.  Jesus is the best  gift that the world has  every  experienced and I am so grateful that  through your  love and sacrifice we have  a savior, a friend and someone to  confide  in with Jesus Christ.  In Jesus's name we honor you and praise you.

Merry CHRISTmas  All!


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