Tuesday, December 16, 2014

His Grace is Enough

He said to me, “My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.” So I’ll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power can rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (CEB) 

All pictures are taken and edited by Lesli Allyn Blogs  unless otherwise stated.

There is  wisdom in being  honest  with ourselves and admitting that  we need  help.   To  accomplish all that God  has  placed in our heart to  do  we need  His  grace  daily.  We  often  put  so much  pressure on ourselves to  figure things out that  we  weigh ourselves down with the  burdens  of life. God  never intended for us  to navigate through  our life  alone, and  the   sooner we  realize this the  sooner we  can  receive  the  freedom of  serving a  God that   partners with us   to  ensure that  we succeed.

Letting  go can  be difficult  especially  when  fear  begins to   clouds our   vision.  Sometimes  it  is  hard to see ourselves  breaking  through the cycles in  our  lives when we  cant   seem to see  beyond   our challenging  circumstances.   In these instances we  have to be determined  to    trust  God and really  submit  the burdens  in our  hearts  over to Him so  that  He can begin to restore us. 

You  may  not have  all the answers  right  away  and that's fine, but  you do have  to  be  willing  to  keep  moving  ahead  even when you don't understand.  Will you trust  God  with   your pain and the  areas in your life that  you are  insecure  about?  It's not easy to   expose the  areas of our life that  we are weak in but   2 Corinthians 12:9  say that    God's  grace  is  enough and  His power is  made  perfect within our  weakness.  The good news is that  He will  exchange  our  weakness with  His  power and  His   love.

So ask yourself,  what am I  holding onto and what do I need to   hand over the  Lord?  Will you make  room for Him to shift   your circumstances or will you  continue to   circle  around and  around with the same old  issue?  There is  no peace  in  having to  fight  every  battle  alone and to be honest I wouldn't  want  to  face  everything  with my  own  abilities.  When you fully trust  God and His  capable  hands it  is impossible to   lose.  Victory is  already   set in place.  Will your  receive it?


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